National and International Union Correspondence
Reel 138
ACTORS-Chorus and Ballet Girls'Union, 1902
American AGENTS'Association, 1895-1900
Insurance AGENTS'Organizations, 1902
AXE and Edge Tool Makers'National Union, 1891
Journeymen BAKERS' and Confectioners' International Union, 1890-1899
Journeymen BARBERS' International Union of America, 1891-1899
Brotherhood of BICYCLE Mechanics, 1896-1901
International Brotherhood of BLACKSMITHS, 1893-1901
BLAST Furnace Workers, 1896
Brotherhood of BOILERMAKERS and Iron Ship Builders,
International Brotherhood of BOOKBINDERS, 1898, 1901
Reel 139
BOOT and Shoe Workers International Union, 1891-1902
United Order of BOXMAKERS' and Sawyers' Union, 1898-1903
Brotherhood of BRASS Workers, 1892-1896
National Union of the United BREWERY Workmen, 1891-1904
BRICKLAYERS and Masons' International Union, 1890-1900
BRIDGE and Structural Iron Workers Union, 1900
International BROOM Makers'Union, 1896-1900
BUILDING Trades, 1900-1904
Brotherhood of Railway CARMEN of America, 1899
United Brotherhood of CARPENTERS and Joiners, 1891-1902
CARRIAGE and WagonWorkers' Union, 1894,1899-1900
Wood CARVERS'Association, 1898
CIGAR Makers' International Union of America, 1893-1907
Reel 140
National Federation of Post Office CLERKS, 1899-1906, 1911
Brotherhood of Railway CLERKS of America, 1900,1911
Retail CLERKS International Protective Association, 1891-1902
Order of Railway CONDUCTORS, 1897
COOPERS' International Union of North America, 1894-1901
International Brotherhood of ELECTRICAL Workers, 1893-1903
Amalgamated Society of ENGINEERS, 1901
Coal Hoisting ENGINEERS, 1899
Brotherhood of Locomotive ENGINEERS, 1893, 1897
Marine ENGINEERS' Beneficial Association, 1903
Corliss Association of Stationary ENGINEERS, 1894-1895
National and International Union of Steam ENGINEERS of America, 1894-1903
International Photo ENGRAVERS'Union of North America, 1901-1902
Brotherhood of Locomotive FIREMEN, 1893, 1902
Brotherhood of Stationary FIREMEN, 1901
FISHERMEN'S Protective Union, 1894
FLOUR Packers' and Nailers' Benevolent Association, 1903
International FURNITURE Workers Union of America, 1891-1895
FURRIERS Union of the United States and Canada, 1896
International Ladies GARMENT Workers, 1901
United GARMENT Workers of America, 1891-1901
GLASS Bottle Blowers Association of the United States and Canada, 1896-1903
American Flint GLASS Workers' Union, 1892-1902
GRANITE Cutters'National Union, 1891-1901
HAT Makers' National Association, 1893-1903
International HOD Carriers and Building Laborers of America, 1903
HORSE Collar Makers'National Union, 1892
National Union of HOSPITAL Attendants and Nurses, 1903
HOTEL and Restaurant Employees, 1892, 1900-1904
Reel 141
Amalgamated Association of IRON and Steel Workers, 1890-1898
International JEWELRYWorkers Union of America, 1901
International LABORERS Union, 1898-1899,1905
Amalgamated LACE Curtain Operatives, 1894
LASTERS' Protective Union, 1893, 1900
American Federation of LATHERS, 1893, 1899-1900
LAUNDRY Workers' Unions, 1900
United Brotherhood of LEATHER Workers on Horse Goods, 1893-1901
LETTER Carriers'Association, 1900
International LONGSHOREMEN'S Association, 1894-1901
International Association of MACHINISTS, 1893-1901
Amalgamated MEAT Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, 1896-1901
METAL Trades, 1896-1903
Amalgamated Sheet METAL Workers, 1899
United METAL Workers International Union, 1900-1901
United MINE Workers, 1895-1903
Iron MOLDERS' Union of North America, 1892-1901
American Federation of MUSICIANS, 1891-1903
International Brotherhood of OIL and Gas Well Workers, 1901
Brotherhood of PAINTERS and Decorators; National Paperhangers, 1890-1897
Reel 142
Brotherhood of PAINTERS and Decorators; National Paperhangers, 1898-1902
PATTERN Makers'National League of North America, 1890
PAVING Cutters'Union, 1892,1903
PIANO and Organ Workers, 1900-1901
American PILOTS Association, 1906
Operative PLASTERERS 'International Association, 1890-1891, 1900
United Association of Journeymen PLUMBERS, Gas Fitters, etc., 1893, 1898-1902
Metal POLISHERS, Buffers and Platers Union, 1894-1902
Pullman Car PORTERS, 1902
Plate PRINTERS, 1893, 1898-1901
International PRINTING Pressmen's Union, 1897-1901
QUARRYMEN'S National Union, 1892-1898
American RAILWAY Union, 1896
Slate and Tile ROOFERS, 1901
National SEAMEN'S Union, 1885,1890-1903,1910
United SHIRT and Waist Workers, 1900
Brotherhood of Railway SHOP Employees, 1892-1893, 1900, 1902
National SPINNER'S Association, 1901
STEAM and Hot Water Fitters, 1896, 1899
National STOGIE Makers League, 1902
Journeymen STONE Cutters'Association, 1903
Amalgamated Association of STREET and Electric Railway Employes of America, 1892-1896, 1901, 1904
Reel 143
Journeymen TAILORS Union, 1894-1901, 1904
United Brotherhood of TANNERS and Curriers, 1893-1894, 1899
TEACHERS' Associations, 1903,1910
TEAMSTERS' Unions, 1893,1898-1907
Railroad and Commercial TELEGRAPHERS, 1896,1901
International Union of TEXTILE Workers, 1896-1901
United TEXTILE Workers of America, 1898, 1900, 1905, 1907
National Alliance of THEATRICAL Stage Employees, 1894-1907
Mosaic and Encaustic TILE Layers Union, 1891, 1897-1901
TIN Plate Workers, 1899
TIN, Sheet Iron and Cornice Workers, 1894-1897
TOBACCO Workers' International Union, 1894-1903
Brotherhood of Railway TRACKMEN, 1900
Brotherhood of Railway TRAINMEN, 1892, 1897, 1902-1904
TYPOGRAPHICAL Union, 1891-1899
UPHOLSTERER'S Union, 1891,1900
Hardwood, Furniture and Piano VARNISHERS, 1893
WALLPAPER Printers and Color Mixers, 1901
WATCH Workers, 1898,1900
Federated WIRE Trades, 1897-1898
Amalgamated WOOD Workers, 1896-1903